Radical Acts: Katonah Yoga for the Magical Abode of the Self
A 30 Hour Teacher Training Intensive
KATONAH YOGA® accredited education
19. – 22. September 2019
info and registration: joga.soba@gmail.com


Yoga is personal housekeeping, a pragmatic, practical form of self-care, which ultimately nourishes collective well-being. This intensive will deepen your understanding of Katonah Yoga’s central metaphors and practices. Your body is your house, your personal and magical abode; you want to know how to have a party and clean it up!
Learn tips and techniques to adjust yourself and your students in order to maximize revelation and minimize common mistakes. This workshop is focused on training students to work with straps, blocks, hands, feet, poles, chairs and more for personal care, and eventually supporting others. You will gain competence through hands-on experience, and confidence through applied knowledge. Every day will begin with three hours of Katonah Yoga practice: asana, pranayama, meditation. Afternoon sessions will dive into the depths of applied theory. We will cover:

  • Maps and Materials: Katonah Yoga’s charts and glyphs, including the Magic Square and Wraps for Rapture
  • Principles and Geometry of alignment in yoga poses, archetypes of numbers
  • Hands-on Adjustments, modifications for injuries, elders / sensitive students
  • Working with newbies, injuries, older students and those with limited mobility
  • Body readings/diagnostics for informing personal practice
  • Breakdown of frequently used poses and techniques along with their adjustments/modifications
  • Working with props: straps, blocks, chairs, poles, sandbags and their substitutes

KATONAH YOGA® was founded by Nevine Michaan, and is a Hatha yoga practice refined over forty years, blended with Taoist theory, sacred geometries, pranayama, and meditation. For more information, please visit www.katonahyoga.com.


This program includes 30 hours bankable towards *KATONAH YOGA® certification and a brand new training manual.

*To become a certified KATONAH YOGA® teacher, one must complete 200 hours of Katonah Yoga education with certified Katonah Yoga instructors, after completing a prerequisite 200-hour RYT (Yoga Alliance) training. All intensives, workshops and classes with us count toward the 200 Hour Katonah Yoga education requirement. For more information on this and to begin the process of becoming certified visit Katonah Yoga

Training Investment: 600 Euro

For the registration, you can transfer the money to this account/or write to me (joga.soba@gmail.com) and I will send you an email with the link to securely pay online:
IBAN: SI56 1010 0004 7523 302 
Company name: Joga soba, Anja Brenko, s. p. 
Address: Južna cesta 6, 6310 Izola, Slovenia

This training will be small and personal, enabling each participant to get the information that will best support them in empowering others. Specific questions can be emailed to Dages in advance, or feel to bring in your real-life examples for mentoring.

About Dages:

Dages has been teaching privates for sixteen years and had time to try to help, make mistakes, learn skills, and refine her techniques. Private yoga sessions constitute the great majority of her teaching, and she has worked with an eclectic swath of New Yorkers during her career, from hedge fund managers to homemakers to hockey players.

Beginning in 2002, her studies have earned her accreditations in both the Bihar and Kundalini lineages. Her syncretic teaching style has been profoundly impacted by immersion in studies with her mentor Nevine Michaan, founder of Katonah Yoga. Recent collaborations include a series of workshops with Elena Brower pairing pranayama and aromatherapy, and retreats and trainings in Bali, Canada, Dominican Republic, Germany, Greece, Italy, Panama, Morocco and Switzerland. Dages regularly contributes to teacher trainings with The Sacred Fig, SKY TING, The Studio, and Katonah Yoga Center. She has just released her first book in collaborating with SKY TING, “Radical Acts of Embodiment: Teaching and Practices of Katonah Yoga.”

Testimonials from Past Participants:

“Dages is a master of both Katonah material and teaching in general. I felt like I received 15 hours of personal therapeutic attention from both Dages and my fellow students – all so eager learn the material and practice on each other. What a truly magical and enlightening weekend. More, please!”

“Dages is the best!! This course really helped me gain the confidence I was looking for to read and adjust my students one in one.”

“Whether your goal is to improve the experience for your existing clients or take on your very first one, you will absolutely walk away from this program with tools and confidence to do so! Having the opportunity to tap into Dages’ extensive experience and her passion for sharing all she knows is invaluable. The set-up of the program was both professional and extremely productive; from the high quality materials to the vast amount of hands on practice each student was able to experience.”

“This training exceeded my expectations on so many levels. The wealth of knowledge and passion that Dages has for this practice is undeniable. This training will expand not only your teaching, but the lens in which you see the World.”

“I highly recommend this training module with Dages. I left feeling empowered and filled with practical knowledge on how to give a therapeutic private. I was thoroughly impressed with the structure of the weekend and well Dages time-managed each day. Dages expanded my imagination of what a “yoga practice” looks like and how every body and every mind can benefit from these therapeutic poses and breath work.”

“The Teaching the Therapeutic Private training with Dages was an incredible experience. We learned practical, applicable tools for working with students one-on-one, and were immersed into the magic of Katonah yoga theory. The work was profoundly deep and yet playful. Especially as a vinyasa teacher who primarily teaches group classes, I learned so much and feel so much better equipped to teach privates. I can’t recommend this training enough.”


30-urna intenzivna delavnica za učitelje
Akreditirano izobraževanje KATONAH YOGA®
19. – 22. september 2019
info in prijave: joga.soba@gmail.com

Prakticiranje joge je kot izvajanje rednih gospodinjskih opravil na sebi. Gre za pragmatično, praktično obliko negovanja samega sebe, ki se v končni fazi odraža v kolektivnem dobrem počutju. Intenzivna delavnica je namenjena poglobitvi poznavanja osrednjih metafor in praks Katonah Joge.
Vaše telo je vaš dom, vaše osebno in magično domovanje, zato je ključnega pomena, da ga znate po vsaki zabavi temeljito počistiti.
Na delavnici boste prejeli številne dragocene nasvete in se naučili obvladati tehnike za poravnavanje sebe in svojih učencev, ki vam bodo pomagale okrepiti revelacije in se izogniti najpogostejšim napakam. Na delavnici se bomo osredotočili na pripravo učencev za prakticiranje joge s trakovi, kockami, rokami, stopali, palicami, stoli in drugimi pripomočki in nenazadnje za delo z ostalimi vadečimi. S pridobljenimi praktičnimi izkušnjami in z uporabnim znanjem boste pridobili tudi visoko raven kompetence in zaupanja vase.
Dan bomo začeli s tremi urami vadbe Katonah Joge: asane, pranajame, meditacija. V popoldanskih urah se bomo posvetili poglobljenemu spoznavanju uporabne teorije.

Delavnica vključuje:

  • Karte in materiali: Sheme in glifi Katonah Joge, vključno z Magic Square (magični kvadrat) in Wraps for Rapture (ovoji za vznesenost),
  • Načela in geometrija poravnavanja v joga položajih, arhetipi števil
  • Poravnave v praksi, prilagoditve položajev v primeru poškodb in za starejše ali občutljivejše učence
  • Delo z začetniki, učenci s poškodbami, starejšimi učenci in osebami z omejeno mobilnostjo
  • Branje telesa/diagnostika za informiranje osebne prakse
  • Razčlenitev pogosto uporabljenih položajev in tehnik z njihovimi prilagoditvami/spremembami
  • Delo s pripomočki: trakovi, kocke, stoli, palice, vrečke s peskom in njihovi nadomestki

Ustanoviteljica KATONAH YOGA® je Nevine Michaan, ki je več kot štiri desetletja izpopolnjevala tehniko na osnovi kombinacije Hatha joge, taoistične teorije, svete geometrije, pranajame in meditacije. Za dodatne informacije obiščite www.katonahyoga.com.

Pridobitev certifikata:

Program vključuje 30 ur, ki jih je mogoče uporabiti za pridobitev certifikata  *KATONAH YOGA® ter nov priročnik za usposabljanje.

*Da bi postali certificiran učitelj KATONAH YOGA®, morate opraviti 200-urno izobraževanje Katonah Yoga s certificiranimi Katonah Yoga inštruktorji, po opravljenem 200-urnem usposabljanju RJU. Vse intenzivne in ostale delavnice in tečaji, ki jih opravite pri nas, se štejejo pri izpolnjevanju zahtevanih 200 ur izobraževanja Katonah Yoga. Za dodatne informacije o delavnicah in tečajih in za začetek postopka za pridobitev certifikata obiščite Katonah Yoga

Cena usposabljanja:
600 EUR
Celotni znesek lahko nakažete na transakcijski račun Joga soba, Anja Brenko, s.p., odprt na Intesa Sanpaolo Bank. 
IBAN: SI56 1010 0004 7523 302 
Prejemnik: Joga soba, Anja Brenko, s. p. 
Naslov: Južna cesta 6, 6310 Izola 
Koda: EDUC 
Namen: ime in priimek + DAGES

Delavnica je namenjena manjšemu številu sodelujočih, kar omogoča bolj oseben pristop. Vsak sodelujoči bo lahko pridobil informacije po meri, ki mu bodo v oporo pri opolnomočenju drugih. Če imate kakršna koli konkretna vprašanja, se lahko obrnete na Dages po elektronski pošti / pišite Anji na joga.soba@gmail.com za email / pred začetkom delavnice.

Kdo je Dages?

Dages se je v svojih šestnajstih letih delovanja na področju zasebnega poučevanja joge naučila pomagati drugim, popravljati svoje napake, izpiliti svoje znanje in izboljšati svoje tehnike. Ukvarja se pretežno z individualno in zasebno vadbo joge. V toku svoje kariere je poučevala zelo raznolike prebivalce New Yorka, od upraviteljev hedge skladov do gospodinj in hokejistov.

Od leta 2002 je nosilka akreditacije tako za poučevanje Bihar joge kot Kundalini joge. Na njen sinkretičen način poučevanja je močno vplival študij pod mentorstvom Nevine Michaan, ustanoviteljice Katonah Joge. Med njenimi novejšimi sodelovanji velja omeniti vodenje delavnic z Eleno Brower, ki združuje pranajamo in aromaterapijo in vodenje joga oddihov in tečajev na Baliju ter v Kanadi, Dominikanski republiki, Nemčiji, Grčiji, Italiji, Panami, Maroku in Švici. Dages redno sodeluje pri izobraževanjih za učitelje v organizaciji The Sacred Fig, SKY TING, The Studio in Katonah Yoga Center. Pred kratkim je izdala svojo prvo knjigo v sodelovanju s SKY TING, z naslovom »Radical Acts of Embodiment: Teaching and Practices of Katonah Yoga.«