*Scroll down for english!
Cela delavnica 160 EUR (15+ ur)
1 dan 80 EUR (6 ur), petek 50 Euro (3 ure)
Od 21.5. naprej odpiramo možnost prijave samo na 1 delavnico v dnevu. 40 EUR. (v soboto in nedeljo od 9-12 ali 14-17)
Aštanga Joga delavnica z Borisom G. je primerna za redne praktikante in za začetnike. Skozi tehniko spiralne dinamike bomo spoznavali principe naravnavanja (alignment) v asane (jogijski telesni položaji) Aštanga joge. Kot podlaga za iskanje in čutenje našega centra bosta služila drišti (usmerjen pogled) in dihanje.
Biti v centru in izhajati iz njega je osnovni princip joge.
Okoliščine nas v življenju večkrat vržejo iz centra, nazaj ni vedno lahko najti.
Naučili se bomo preprostih vaj, ki bodo okrepili naše zavedanje centra in samega telesa in s tem podprli in izboljšali našo prakso joge.
Petek, 18.00–21.00 Praksa in delavnica – osnovni principi Aštanga Joge in naravna gibanja človeškega telesa – osrediščenje
Sobota, 9.00–12.00 Praksa – Astanga Joga, 1. serija – do Navasane in uvod v 2. serijo
Sobota, 14.00–17.00 Delavnica – Vinjasa, vprašanja in odgovori
Sobota, 18.00–20.00 KIRTAN – Večer druženja s petjem – ZASTONJ!
Nedelja, 9.00–12.00 Praksa – Astanga Joga, 1. serija – po Navasani
Nedelja, 14.00–17.00 Delavnica – Ravnotežje, Zakloni v povezavi s položaji iz 1. in 2. serije, vprašanja in odgovori
Plačilo lahko izvedeta z nakazilom na TRR oz. mi plačate v gotovini na uri.
Prijava bo veljavna šele po prejetem celotnem plačilu.
Podatki za plačilo:
Celotni znesek nakažite na transakcijski račun Joga soba, Anja Brenko, s. p., odprt na Banki Koper.
IBAN: SI56 1010 0004 7523 302
Prejemnik: Joga soba, Anja Brenko, s. p., Južna cesta 6, 6310 Izola
Koda: EDUC
Namen: Boris 5-2016 + ime udeleženca
Odjave: Potem ko je delavnica že vplačana (in mesto s tem potrjeno), zaračunamo za odpovedi do vključno 4.5.2016 administrativne stroške v višini 30 EUR; v primeru nadaljnjih odpovedi plačilo zadržimo v celoti. Seveda pa lahko v primeru nezmožnosti udeležbe sami organizirate zamenjavo.
*Whole WS 130 Euro EARLY BIRD until 30.4.2016
After 30.4. 160 Euro
1 day 80 Euro and only friday 50 Euro
Send an email to joga.soba@gmail.com to get all the info for reserving your spot!
Aṣṭāṅga Vinyasa Yoga workshop with Boris Georgiev, all levels of practice are welcome:
Fri, 18 – 21h: Practice and Workshop: Common principels of Aṣṭāṅga Yoga and the natural movements of the humans – centering
Sat, 9 – 12h: Practice: Aṣṭāṅga Yoga 1st Series – till Navasana and introduction to the 2nd Series
Sat, 14 – 17h: Workshop: Vinyasa and Q&A
Sun, 9 – 12h: Practice: Aṣṭāṅga Yoga 1st Series – after Navasana
Sun, 14 – 17h: Workshop: Balancing, Backbending based on asanas from the 1st and the 2nd series; Q&A
With the asanas of Aṣṭāṅga Vinyasa Yoga, the alignment of Spiraldynamik® and the power of drishti and breath, we devote ourselves to a weekend of exploring one’s own center. Being and acting from the center is a fundamental principle of Yoga. Different circumstances in our lives are bringing us out of this center, and the way back is not always easy to find. Often it seems impossible.
We will learn how simple supportive exercises can make our awareness stronger and our practice more efficient. Yoga is a guide, an invitation to bring you on the unique journey towards Yourself. The structures and rules in Yoga are always temporal and aim to make you free.
Boris likes to spend time understanding the wisdom of Aṣṭāṅga Yoga as it is. This system has the capacity to enrich your daily life and make you stronger on many levels!
Boris hopes this workshop can help you to make a step towards your personal freedom!
In the yoga tradition, direct energetic transmission is regarded as the superior teaching method. Studying with Boris, one has the chance to understand why and how. As a lifelong practitioner and student of yoga, Boris embodies and vibrates the teachings that he has been learning to love since he was a boy.
Born in 1972 in Bulgaria, Boris began yoga as a child, learning more about the spirit and heart of yoga during his teenage years practising with his Bulgarian teacher Venzislav Eftimoff. Later, in Vienna, he continued to expand his understanding of yoga as a multi-faceted path to support happiness and balance in the modern world working with the holistic Sivananda yoga method. It was in the Sivananda ashram in South India that Boris met Lino Miele who inspired him to work with the Aṣṭāṅga Vinyasa Yoga method. From 1995, this modality became more and more the principal frame for Boris’ asana practice as he continued studying with Michel Besnard and Andrea Morava.
In 2000, after Michael and Andrea went to Australia, Boris founded the Yogacenter Ganesha, where he teaches mainly aṣṭāṅga yoga and acro yoga. Since the 1990s, Boris has studied aṣṭāṅga with Pattabhi Jois and Sharath(India), V.Shashadri (India), Lino Miele (Italy), Nancy Gilgoff (Maui), Andrew Eppler (Oklahoma), Cliff Barber (Crete), Danny Paradise (Molokai) and others. Besides his many years of personal practice, Boris’ teaching is also informed by his four year course study for psychological self-awareness, Spiraldynamic® anatomy, and AcroYoga® – Symbiosis between Yoga, Acrobatics and Nuad (Thai Massage).